AfterOurs Clinics - Colorado
AfterOurs Clinics - Colorado

Tooth Pain

A beautiful female doctor of African descent is standing in front of her coworkers at the hospital. She is smiling widely at the camera.
Tooth pain is as unpleasant and frustrating as any other pain. Whether the pain is dull, constant, or sharp, it is tough to ignore.  Teeth can show sensitivity to temperature or pain while biting and chewing food, or simply hurt all the time

What is tooth pain?

Tooth pain is usually caused when a nerve in the root of a tooth or bordering the tooth is disturbed.  This inflames the central portion of the tooth, known as pulp. Nerve endings in the pulp are very sensitive to pain stimuli. Inflammation to the pulp can be caused by tooth decay, cavity, or infection.


Below are some of the most common causes of tooth pain

Sensitive Teeth

Enamel is the outer layer of the tooth that covers the teeth to protect the inside nerves.  Over time, enamel can wear away or be damaged. As a result, the tooth’s middle layer may be exposed. This allows for irritants to reach nerve endings while eating or drinking. Gum disease is another reason for tooth sensitivity. Lack of proper mouth care and cleaning can lead to gum irritation and inflammation, which then leads to pain.

Damaged Teeth

Teeth encounter bacteria every time we eat. These bacteria produce acid substances, which cause holes in tooth enamel called cavities. A person with a cavity or cracked tooth may experience sharp pain and sensitivity while eating food due to exposed inner layers and nerves. A deep cavity can let the bacteria enter the pulp and cause infection, which can spread to tissue and bone.

Grinding Teeth

This is one of the common issues which can occur due to sleep disorder, stress, or a bite issue. Grinding your teeth while sleeping can tear the enamel, hence causing a crack.

Wisdom Tooth

You are most likely to feel sharp and constant pain when wisdom teeth start to push through gums, whether you are an adult or a baby. Food can get stuck there and cause infection and decay.


Tooth pain is a common issue that is faced by almost everyone at least once or twice a year. As the inflammation increases, the pain may get severe as well. Pain may also travel to the ear, cheek, or jaw.

Other symptoms also include:

  • Heat or cold sensitivity
  • Pain while chewing or biting
  • Blood or drainage from around teeth or gums
  • Injury or cavity to the teeth
  • Swollen gums

Treatment options

Do not postpone your visit to a dentist if you feel tooth pain. Cavities and infections can worsen over time.

The dentist will evaluate the severity and suggest the best treatment. Some treatments are:

  • Taking antibiotics for any infection in your teeth or mouth.
  • Pain control medicines for severe pain
  • Filling the cavity, if required.
  • Root canal procedures for cleaning out the blood vessels and nerves and to seal the root canals of your teeth. Such procedures take time, and you may have to make multiple visits.
  • Tooth extraction in some situations.


Dentists perform surgeries in case of tooth extraction, cracked or broken teeth, or impacted teeth.

Contact us

In case of urgent medical care assistance, AfterOurs Urgent Care offers immediate telemedicine services, where medical providers are available to offer assistance. Anyone who experiences signs and symptoms requiring urgent medical attention can simply book their appointment with AfterOurs Urgent Care to directly talk to an expert.  If your medical issue is not appropriate for telemedicine, we will let you know and refer you to an in-person facility.

When to visit a doctor:

Whenever you notice swelling or redness around the jaw or tooth area, excessive pain, or drainage, visit your dentist or medical provider as this can lead to more severe problems.

Treatment for tooth pain is available at AfterOurs Urgent Care.