AfterOurs Clinics - Colorado
AfterOurs Clinics - Colorado

External parasite infestation

Male doctor in white protective gloves examing patient

Parasites are organisms that may be microscopic such as protozoa, or macroscopic (visible to the naked eye) such as insects and worms. They can cause disease in various ways, such as through contaminated water, or direct attack on the skin.

Parasite infestation happens when you have multiple parasites on the skin. The group of parasites that spread infection by this mode of transmission is known as an ectoparasite. These parasites include arthropods such as mites, ticks, and worms. These infestations are more common in underdeveloped, rural areas having no proper sanitation system.

Signs and symptoms associated with parasite infestation are rash at the site of ectoparasite bite, eczema/itchy skin, hair loss and dry or flaky skin.


External parasites are frequently transmitted by direct contact with an affected individual. They can also occur due to vector transmission. One example of this is when a pet brings fleas into the home. Once infected, the parasites then live on your skin. Some, such as mites and scabies, will acutally burrow into the skin.

The most common complications associated with parasite infestation are rash and infection from excessive scratching.


The causes of parasitic infestation are as follows:

  • Coming in direct contact with skin from an individual who is infected
  • Walking barefooted on the soil
  • Improper hygiene


Treatment of parasitic infestation is necessary to avoid further severe complications. Treatment is medicinal as well as preventive. The most common medications used in the treatment of parasitic infestation are antiparasitic drugs. These may be oral or topical drugs.

  • Topical drugs include permethrin for ectoparasites.
  • Oral medications such as ivermectin may be used for worms

Other medications include drugs used for symptomatic treatment such as anti-itch creams. Antibiotics may be necessary if scratching has lead to infection.

Preventive measures must be taken to avoid contact with these parasites. Following are some essential preventive measures to avoid parasitic infestation.

  • Don’t walk barefooted.
  • Maintain proper personal hygiene.
  • Keep your surroundings clean.

Contact us

In case of urgent medical care assistance, AfterOurs Urgent Care offers immediate telemedicine services through telemedicine appointments, where medical providers are available to offer assistance. Anyone who experiences signs and symptoms requiring urgent medical attention can simply book their appointment with AfterOurs Urgent Care to directly talk to an expert. If your medical issue is not appropriate for telemedicine, we will let you know and refer you to an in-person facility.

When to visit a doctor:
If you have had contact with a person who is infected with lice, scabies, or other parasites, you should see a medical provider to avoid possible serious complications.

Treatment for parasite infestation is available at AfterOurs Urgent Care.

For more information on parasite infestation, see the following website: